3 Common Garage Door Issues That You Can Repair on Your Own

1 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog


A garage door opener is a convenient option to have for your garage so you can easily open and close your garage door at the touch of a button. Although, when your garage door doesn't open as it should it becomes a major inconvenience. To help get your garage door repaired, there are a few things you may be able to do on your own. Read on for a few of the more common issues you can repair yourself.

1. Crooked Garage Door

The last thing you want to see is your garage door sitting crooked in the rails of your garage. It's unsightly, and leaving it in this way can cause a complete breakdown of your door and opener. To help straighten your door, you can try to manually shut it so it's even, and then try and open it again while making sure it's rolling up and back down again without getting stuck on anything. Watch it open and close from inside your garage to see if the rollers are possibly getting caught, or if it is something else. The rollers may need to be cleaned, or the rails may need to be leveled. Check to see if they're level using a level. Tap it back into place using a rubber mallet, then tighten the screws holding the rails.

2. Door Not Opening

If the door isn't opening at all, check that you have batteries in your opener. If it's not a problem with the batteries, check that you have power in your garage. If you have power, you can then check that the spring holding your garage door is in place and didn't break. You can also check that the chain is still connected to your opener. If you have a broken spring, you should hire a professional. If the chain that has fallen off, you may be able to repair yourself if you're handy. Reconnect the chain to the door and to the sprocket inside the motor in the opener. Test your work when finished. If the sprocket was broken, you will need a replacement part. If you can't find this part, you can check online or hire a professional repair service for help.

3. Door Closing and Opening Again Immediately

If you can't close your garage door, or it attempts to close and opens back up again, it may be a problem with something blocking the sensor along the sides of your garage door. Check that the sensors aren't blocked or that they aren't dirty. They may also be crooked or pointing in the wrong direction. If this is the case, move whatever is blocking them, clean the sensors, or position them so they are in the proper place.

If you have any of these garage door issues, you may be able to do the repairs on your own. If you can't get it to workhire a professional to repair your garage door for you. For more information about repairs to your garage doors, contact a local company like https://raynordoor.com/.